

News - 03-10-2023 - - 0 comments

A lot of teachers feel as though they have to teach students with exams in mind, ensuring students know how to answer exam questions. This often results in students being able to memorise and repeat key pieces of information, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they understand the topic as a whole. However, International Baccalaureate (IB) approaches things in a slightly different way.


At Diploma Level, 80% of the IB is assessed by exams, but there is a greater focus on application of knowledge, rather than a student simply proving that they have remembered a fact or figure. IB students have to think and work out their answers, rather than rely on an answer they have previously memorised. This goes even further at the Middle Years Programme (MYP) part of IB, which is for students aged between 11 and 16, as it focuses on giving students the skills they will need for the future. This differs from GCSEs, which tends to focus on students learning a lot of facts.


How Does MYP Work?

The MYP is recognised as being a rigorous academic qualification, one that challenges students both academically and personally. It’s a five year programme and it’s centred on eight subjects: language and literature, language acquisition, sciences, mathematics, arts, design, physical and health education, and individuals and societies. There’s a lot of flexibility in the MYP, with students having the option to choose six of the eight subjects, focusing on their personal interests.


During the MYP, students complete a MYP Personal Project. This is a key part of the student’s overall assessment, and it requires a lot of research and skill application, giving them the chance to be marked on their learning and creativity. It encourages decision making and inquiry, and not simply recalling learned information for an exam. These skills are beneficial to students once they leave education and enter the workplace.Even younger students benefit from a different way of learning in the MYP, with various community projects and collaboration, and a big focus on citizenship and work experience. This gives students the chance to use their learning in a practical way.


The Benefits of an IB and MYP International Education

There are a range of benefits of choosing an IB and MYP international education. For example, IB has a reputation for producing independent workers, people that can think for themselves and approach new challenges in school and the workplace.


Though there is a time and a place for exams, it’s important to remember that exam results don’t always reflect students’ abilities and skills. A lot of knowledgeable people struggle in exams, simply because it’s a pressurised and rigid environment, and answers are often based on a student’s ability to remember information. With an IB education, the focus is on applying and using knowledge in a creative, well rounded way.

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