

News - 08-08-2023 - - 0 comments

We can all agree that technology is changing education and laptops, tablets and mobile phone usage is a huge part of this. Students are becoming increasingly used to using technology at home, and so it’s no surprising that a growing number of students want to use phones in school. Though some schools are embracing this, others are hesitant to allow personal devices in the classroom. This is largely due to the worry of students cheating, being distracted or using their phones inappropriately. These are valid concerns, but there are actually a range of advantages to phones being allowed in schools, which we have detailed below.


Reasons Why Phones Should Be Allowed in Schools


  • Phones in School are Inevitable - If you can’t beat them, join them. Phones will always find their way into the classroom, especially as technology continues to evolve. They are quickly becoming a key part of how students learn at home, and this is bound to flow into the classroom.


  • Phones Encourage Student Independence - If teachers are willing to integrate smartphones into their lessons, they can be used as a way to promote independence. They could be set a task to use their phone for research or to access learning materials, putting them in charge of their own learning.


  • Phones Teach Digital Literacy - Children today grow up surrounded by computers and mobile phones, they are considered “digital natives” and schools should embrace that. By providing guidance and encouraging them to use technology responsibility, children can develop many skills that will benefit them throughout their career.


  • Phones Boost Safety - A lot of students and parents rely on phones to boost safety. If a student needs to contact a parent in an emergency, they can do without having to find a telephone elsewhere.


  • Phones Boost Organisation and Convenience - With smartphones, there is less of a need for students to carry around heavy textbooks, notes and assignments. A lot of school work and resources can be accessed at any time from a mobile device, including calendars and planners.


  • Phones Offer Additional Learning Materials - Phones provide a whole host of supportive learning materials, such as YouTube and learning apps. Tonnes of information can be found online, a lot of which can boost a student’s learning and understanding of certain topics.


Though there is a chance of mobile phones in the classroom being distracting, a lot of teachers agree that the benefits outweigh this. When used responsibly and with clear restrictions in place, phones can be an additional learning resource and a benefit to education.

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