The Christmas break is almost here. This is the perfect opportunity for teachers and students alike to switch off and destress. However, we realise that often it’s easier said than done.
We’ve put together a few tips to help our teachers switch off and really make the most of the Christmas period with their friends and family.
Stop working
Now from our experience in working with teachers (we’ve been working with them for over 20 years), this is a concept that many struggle with. So, this is a polite reminder that the school holidays are just that; a holiday. This is not the time to catch up on lesson plans, marking or anything else!
Leave the work to be marked at school, turn off your email and relax. Nothing is so urgent it can’t wait.
Turn off your alarm
Many teachers are up at ridiculous o’clock during term-time (there’s a reason that #teachers5oclockclub is a trending topic on Twitter!) but the half terms offer you a chance to sleep in.
Sleep allows your body and mind to recharge. Moreover, it keeps you healthy and enables you to think clearly and concentrate -things that every great teacher needs to be able to do. So, be sure to turn off your alarm and catch up on some much needed and well-deserved rest!
Make some time for yourself
Christmas can be a lot. With family get-togethers, shopping, cooking, parties and more you can sometimes find yourself feeling a little overwhelmed.
Taking some time out for yourself is hugely important. Do all those things you usually don’t have time for on a school night like taking a bubble bath, reading a book or watching some trash TV.
Spend time with people who aren’t teachers
Now, this might be quite difficult if you come from a long line of teachers but the school holidays are made for socialising with family and friends; not talking about school.
Topics of conversation should include your most and least favourite Christmas present, the Queen's speech and plans for New Year’s Eve. They should not include your behaviour management agenda, exam boards or OFSTED. So, keep contact with colleagues to a minimum or at the very least keep school chat off the table.
Get into the spirit
While it’s important to take some time out to relax, make sure that you don’t let the holidays pass you by! Head to Hyde Park for some festive fun, ice skate at the National History Museum or see a pantomime.
In our opinion, if anything is going to help you forget about the stresses of school, it’s a German sausage at Winter Wonderland!
Don’t forget, we are here to help and we’re always on the other end of the phone if you need to chat. Additionally, Education Support is a fantastic organisation that has been supporting teacher’s with their mental health and wellbeing for 145 years.
If you have any tips of your own we’d love to hear all about them below.