

Tips - 24-02-2022 - - 0 comments
Top 5 Reasons to Work in a SEN School

SEN schools focus on supporting students with special educational needs. Working within one of these schools can be very rewarding (just ask Sidney who worked in lots of SEN provisions before joining us) and can become a life-long fulfilling career helping equip students for adult life and for them to forge an equally successful career for themselves. 

If we haven’t convinced you to work in an SEN school already here are a few more reasons you should be working in an SEN role. 

The amount of students that need special education is increasing

There has been a trend of increases in the percentage of pupils needing an EHC plan since 2017 with an increase to 3.7% in 2021 from 3.3% in 2020. The Department of Education’s annual statement of statistics also shows that the percentage of pupils that need SEN support is currently at 12.2%. 

Judging by the recent trends it is safe to assume that this number will continue to increase in the coming years. There are more roles available now in SEN schools than ever before.

Special education remained open during the pandemic and is essential

For a lot of people, after the pandemic, job security is one of their main priorities. One of the main sectors of work that has seen an increase in demand for workers rather than a decrease is the education sector. At the start of this year, there was even a plea for teachers to return to the classroom due to the Omnicron variant and the staff shortages. 

There’s also a focus on minimising the post-pandemic effects on children’s mental health in schools which also stands true for SEN schools where extra support will be needed. If you are looking for some tips on how to do this, take a look at our blog.

SEN teachers gain additional valuable skills

Working as a teacher in SEN school requires additional knowledge and personal skills apart from the usual planning and communication skills, you need to be able to adapt quickly to changes and have strong behaviour management skills. All of your extra training, certification and experience will only make you more marketable for future roles. We are here to support you throughout your career and offer many benefits, for example, we offer team teach training that is essential for anyone working in SEN schools and will help build up your credentials for future applications.

Special Education opens doors to new roles 

As we have mentioned, the demand for SEN roles is increasing. These roles require resilient teaching staff and specific skills that can be beneficial both personally and from a business perspective. As an SEN teacher, the set-up and process of your teaching day can differ from school to school, you may be able to teach individuals or small classes as well as bigger classes with the support of teaching assistants. Roles in further education are also available as a special education requirement can surpass the age of 16.

Special education is rewarding

Teaching within itself is a rewarding career, however, with SEN students even the smallest signs of progress are worth celebrating considering that much greater effort has to go into creating progression. The SEN community is unmatched by communities within mainstream schools, the sense of teamwork and camaraderie is so strong and beats most of the environments in mainstream schools.

Working in SEN schools allow you to have a fulfilling career due to the positive impact you have on students and their families lives. Not only will you feel fulfilled but you will also benefit from job security and career progression opportunities with life-long learning. 


If you are interested in working in SEN school have a look at our latest roles and send us your CV to register and get started.

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